Sister Clifford: Week #32 in Alabama: "8 MONTHS & MIRACLES"

Hi cute family!

    How is everyone doing?! This is going to be a long one so get ready. Life is good. SO GOOD.

       First off, the weather forecast today is CRAZY, today it got up to 82 degrees... BUT, tornado's (ALABAMA FOR YA) are supposed to be coming tonight and there are supposed to be hail storms with hail the size of golf balls. SOO CRAZY! Gotta love it! So we have just been hanging at the church all day in case anything crazy goes down.

       Also, today I hit 8 months on the mission!!! I have no clue how time goes by so fast, but these past 8 months have been full of so much. I am so grateful for this time I have spent serving the Lord. Also, I opened up my mission call a year ago from this week and it has been so amazing too see how much God has blessed me with since that time. Missionary work is unreal.
Anyways, sooo much this week. It was so good! Things have been going so well this week at the courthouse. We sent in our numbers this week to Salt Lake and everyone was amazed at how much we were able to get indexed this week. Such a blessing!

     We also got our smartphones this week and it is so strange having a phone and starting to use Facebook, BUT it is definitely going to help the work so much. We are excited about it!

     One thing I have really noticed during my time here in Columbiana is how much people really recognize us as representatives of the Lord, Jesus Christ. We had an experience a few weeks ago that I really have been reflecting on a lot. People are constantly watching and are aware of us, so it is important that we are always presenting ourselves the way the Lord would have us present ourselves. We were working the pancake breakfast in Columbiana a few weekends ago and Sister Bond and I grabbed our food during our break and went to sit down at a table in the middle of everyone. The room was packed full of people and it was LOUD. We both sat down and Sister Bond started saying a prayer and blessed our food. We didn't say anything about the noise, we just prayed and started eating. A few minutes after, a man came up to us and said that he was watching us from a table far away and he told us how there were all these people yelling and laughing and telling stories at the table he was at, BUT he said that when he saw us pray, he told the whole table to stop talking and said, "Those ladies are saying a prayer. Let us respect them and be quiet while they are speaking to the Lord." It was just such a reminder to us that people are aware of us and the work we are doing. It's moments like this, that make me so grateful to be a missionary.

    We had such a huge miracle this past week. Ty is amazing y'all. We love her so much. This week was such a reminder to me that this is where I need to be and this is where the Lord needs me. We were able to visit with Ty and her family so much this week. She has been really struggling lately with her job and has been so stressed, so we went over on Wednesday night and prayed with her, read Helaman 5:12 from the Book of Mormon and discussed the Priesthood. I felt the spirit so strong and felt prompted to ask her if she would like a blessing from our Bishop. I testified to her that it would change her life and would give her the peace she needs if she has faith. Well, she said "PLEASE!!" and so the next night we went back over with Bishop and his wife and he gave her a priesthood blessing. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I knew that Heavenly Father was with us that night. After the blessing, she was balling and said, "I trusted Sister Clifford and what she has taught me, and she is right. I feel better already." Bishop then told her how he has been able to give lot's of blessings, but not all of them are that special. He then told her it's because of the faith she has in the Lord. It's moments like this that give me that reminder that THIS is where I am needed. I love the Lord. He has been so good to me.

   I have always told people that I am serving a mission because the Lord has given me so much, that I owe this to Him. BUT, wow, after just these 8 months I owe Him so much more. I know this Gospel is true and I am so grateful for that knowledge. I love you all. Have a blessed week.
Sister Clifford
“But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.”

—1 Nephi 1:20



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