Sister Clifford: Week #36 in Alabama: "TRANSFERS! BYE COLUMBIANA :("

Hi family & friends!!!
   I hope everyone is doing well! We had transfer news last night and I am leaving good ol' Columbiana! I love this place so much and I will miss it, BUT I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for me next! I leave tomorrow and I will find out where I am headed next week! Crazy stuff! Also, we have a temple trip next week, which I am so excited about, SO our p-day is going to be changed. BUT I will keep y'all updated next week where I am!
    I have really come to realize on my mission that the Lord gives us trials and opposition to help refine us and He helps make us stronger and better in the process of overcoming them. Christ is no stranger to our missionaries. I have come to really realize while serving here in Columbiana that it is 100% true. My time here has been a sacred experience. My relationship with our Savior has grown here in more ways that I can even count. I have loved my time here so much.
  This week has been one of the best weeks ever! I couldn't ask for a better last week in Columbiana. We were able to see so many miracles! It has been amazing. To start the week off, we were able to present and discuss genealogy at the First Baptist church in Columbiana. It went so well. We were able to talk to them about the courthouse and we also were able to discuss the blessings of family history. We also passed out some 'My Family' booklets during the meeting, SO there may or may not be a bunch of pamphlets that say "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" going around the First Baptist church here. :)

Also, yesterday was the most amazing day. We were so happy! Our goal this transfer was to work hard and we knew that the Lord would provide miracles because of it. We have been working with a lady named Tye here, as well as her family. The past couple of weeks have been tough with them. We have been trying hard to see them, but they have been dealing with some family struggles and depression, which has made it very hard this transfer. HOWEVER, our goal has been to get them to church. We know how important it is to have them attend, and we knew that if we worked hard for it, the Lord would provide. We invited them this past weekend and prayed hard. Well I am so happy to report, that the whole family walked into sacrament meeting yesterday. It was one of the BEST moments on my mission. We were so happy! The Lord really does work miracles. I spoke in sacrament meeting yesterday, and when I watched them come in as I was sitting on the stand, I honestly couldn't even control my excitement! BEST. MOMENT. EVER. They also loved church and Tye is so prepared for baptism. She has been able to learn so much and was super active during the discussions in class. Sister Anderson and I were also shocked when she signed up to bring food to the YW's activity this weekend :) After church, we were saying bye to them and Tye told us that after the priesthood blessing she had received from Bishop, everything has fallen in line in her life. She said that she was able to finally get a car a few days ago, otherwise she would not have been able to be at church. Wow, MIRACLES!!! The Lord really does provide.

My time here in Columbiana has gone by way too fast, BUT I am excited for a new transfer! I am excited to apply all the things I have learned here, and continue to work hard in my next area. I love this work and the miracles we are able to see because of it.
  I KNOW this church is true and I am grateful to be a missionary! I am forever changed because of my time here in Columbiana. It has been sacred. I miss and love you all! HAVE A GOOD WEEK!
sister clifford


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