Sister Clifford: Week #28 in Alabama: "ONE OF THE BEST WEEKS EVER!!!!"


   WOW, not sure where to even begin. This week was definitely one of the best weeks of my mission. First off, I hit 7 months today and well, not sure how that even happened! SO CRAZY! This week was just full of miracles. At the beginning of this week, we made a goal. Our goal was to just do it, no matter what happens! We would work as hard as we could, and we had faith that miracles would follow. AND GUESS WHAT?? IT HAPPENED!!! We have just been so happy! Life is so good! 

Well to start this off, Valentine's day was INCREDIBLE! Sister Bond and I went all out because it is our favorite holiday and it was such a fun day!!! We also made valentine's for everyone in our district and pretty sure​
​ they all thought we were insane, BUT we had so much fun! We also had a really cool experience happen to us at the courthouse on Valentine's day! We had a prompting to make all the staff cards for Valentine's day (I am serious.. we really did go all out ;) ) and there is a new person that works in there and his name is Bruce and he is just the best person in the world. He is a Baptist, but is so curious about missionary work! He asks us questions ALL THE TIME and always talks about how much he respects and admires us. He just started working there and he is so tender! He is an older guy and he is sooo funny. He loves us! The cutest thing happened on Valentine's Day with Bruce. We gave him the Valentine we made him and he said "Thank you so much! That is so sweet of you!" We went out of the room to set something up elsewhere and he came in there and said to us how he truly was so grateful and that it meant a lot to him since his wife died in October and this was his first Valentine's day without her! It was so presh. Sis Bond and I just walked into the other room and started crying! It was one of the sweetest moments ever. And then throughout the week he would ask us questions about why we were in Alabama and at the courthouse and all this good stuff. We can't proselyte at the courthouse unless people ask us questions, so we're hoping we will have the opportunity to teach him and tell him that he can be with his wife again because we can tell he really loves her! HE IS AWESOME!!! We just love him tons! 

  So we went to dinner with the Hollingsworths, an older couple in our ward, on Tuesday night and they live on a farm so they were talking about how they were killing some chickens and kinda joked around if two California girls wanted to help and we were like "heck yeah! Can we actually help?" And Brother Hollingsworth was like, "what the heck hahaha, SURE!!!" SO we went over there after working at the courthouse on Wednesday and we helped them kill and clean 3 roosters and it was kinda dope! Super gross and I will probably never do it again in my life AHAHAHAA, but it was fun for the experience! We were just dying laughing the entire time. IT WAS INCREDIBLE. Sister Hollingsworth took a video of the entire experience and we just die laughing every time we watch it! The freakiest part was that the bodies were still warm when we were cutting them open and getting the guts out and stuff (GROSSS) It was so funny! He said he was very impressed with us afterwards, so that's WAY good! ;) ALSO, Sister Bond and I were posing for a picture, and I was holding the feet and she was holding the severed chicken head and she accidentally dropped it on MY hand and got blood all over my hand and it was SO funny!!! The Hollingsworth's were just dying laughing the whole time. So that was a pretty eventful Valentine's day to say the least. I will definitely remember it FOREVER. and I will probably never be able to eat chicken again or at least for the next couple weeks... SO THAT'S GOOD. Gotta love the south y'all. BEST PLACE EVER. 

   Sometime early last week, the Elders got a bible referral (they get all of them for our area since we are at the courthouse so long and have a very limited proselyting schedule) and they went to deliver the Bible to this lady named Dana. They gave her husband the Bible, and told us about it and it turns out they live at an apartment complex right down the street from the Courthouse (miracle), so they gave it to us and on Thursday, we went back to see Dana and see if she was interested in learning more about the Church and we gave her a Book of Mormon and we're going back tomorrow, which we are way stoked about! She is awesome and it was so cool just talking to her and getting to know her. She didn't seem super interested, but said we could come back, and since we were in the area, we decided to knock a few doors while we were right there, so we went over to building 1. Each apartment building only has 8 apartments in it-- 4 upstairs and 4 downstairs. So we decided to knock the ones upstairs. The first three no one answered and then the fourth door, we knocked and we usually knock twice but move on, but for some reason we knocked this last door 3 times and a lady names Ty (short for Tykeila) opened the door and talked to us! She's so cool! We both immediately felt the spirit talking to her. We talked to her a little bit about the Bible and the Book of Mormon and then she asked us for a Book of Mormon before we could even offer her one, gave us her number before we even asked for it, and told us to come back and tell her more before we even asked if we could come back hahahaha SHE IS PERFECT AND SO PREPARED. It was so AWESOME. So then we went back yesterday afternoon and she let us right in and we talked with her for a minute and we taught her the Restoration. It was honestly the best lesson I've ever taught on my mission. The Spirit was SO strong! I have honestly never felt it so strong in my whole life. We invited her to be baptized and she accepted a date for March 31!  At the end of the lesson, I asked her if she could feel the Spirit and she said she felt it a ton when we talked and testified about Joseph Smith, which was so awesome!  That is usually what people get hung up on, so we're happy about that. So we're going to have a baptism in Columbiana and it's gonna be RAD! Ty is 41 and she has 4 kids, so we're hoping to teach the 2 that still live with her. She's  SO awesome! We came home last night and just knelt in prayer thanking Heavenly Father for the opportunity we have to serve with each other in Columbiana at this time and for all the amazing experiences we have been able to see this week. GOD IS SO GOOD. SOOO GOOD. 

   Also, I have been focusing so much on the Savior this week and the Book Of Mormon. I love the Book of Mormon so much. That book has changed my life in so many ways, I can't even begin to describe it! I love it so much. Reading it EVERY DAY, has changed me forever. 

It's weeks like this that make missionary work all worth it. COLUMBIANA IS RAD Y'ALL. I have just been so happy this week! When we take a step back, and take time to see all that we have been given, we really do become so grateful. 

    Behold, now it came to pass that the people of Nephi were exceedingly rejoiced, because the Lord had again delivered them out of the hands of their enemies; therefore they gave thanks unto the Lord their God; yea, and they did fast much and pray much, and they did worship God with exceedingly great joy.

All my LOVE, 
Sister Clifford


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